- Pouring through recipes to choose just the right cookies to add to our usuals this year.
- Buying containers for all the cookies.
- Taking a trip to Costco to buy all the ingredients- IN BULK!!!
- Mixing up gingerbread dough and baking it in little house molds to assemble later.
- Writing out our Christmas lists.
- Listening to LOTS of Charlie Brown Christmas music
- Listening to LOTS of other Christmas music.
- Decorating Gingerbread houses with the boys.
- Teaching them that more has to actually go on the house than goes in their mouths. (There's a ratio there...)
- Putting up Christmas Lights.
- Making sure no one falls and hurts themselves while putting up said lights.
- Enjoying some time with family and friends- I hope you do too!!!
Hope you have a wonderful start to the season!!! Happy Holidays!
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