
Monday, May 10, 2010

You Choose- Fear or Faith?

Fear grounds us. It keeps us down on the ground where we're comfortable. It tells us we might get hurt if we venture forth. That it won't work, or that we'll look ridiculous for having tried. Better not to try. Better to stay where we are and hold our ground than to make the bold move forward that might result in disaster. Fear talks to us dramatically. It's always the worst possible scenario we imagine. The worst possible result. We're asked what's the worst that can happen? Fear answers back with a vision of the Apocalypse.

But really- what is the worst that can happen? Realistically. Instead of focusing on the worst possible result, imagine the best. Realistically you might fall somewhere in between, but what would you have gained from having tried? Or lost for having not tried?

At the times when fear threatens to influence me for the worst, I turn to faith to bring a measure of reality. Faith that my skills are there, faith that good will come of the situation, faith that I won't jump off the cliff only to fall, tumbling to the very bottom of the cliff. Faith that God has a plan for me and has given me my abilities, my dreams, and a desire to pursue them for a reason. I might not see it, you might not see it, but that's not to say it isn't there. So I stand here, afraid- but ready to fly.

What challenges you? Is there something you're afraid to pursue? Something you long for and wish to be, but are afraid that if you try and fail you'll never try again? My dream for a long time was to be an artist. Because I was afraid that if I actually tried to become one and failed that I would never be able to screw up my courage to try again, I eventually gave up art all together. But somewhere on the journey I began to have faith.

Faith that God gave me my talent, my personality, and that dream for a reason. Not to hide it all, not to push down that desire, but so that I might have everything I need to live the life He created me to have. I hold onto that whenever I'm afraid, or feel rejected, or think I'm not good enough. Today I want you to look at the pieces you're given. What are your skill areas, are you a good writer, a skilled logician, or do you have some other natural abilities? What are your dreams? What hope in your heart of hearts do you treasure and protect? What experiences have you had in life that prepared you for entering a certain area? Do you have a heart for service, an abusive relationship in your past, and a love for art? Do you dream of helping others with your art? Do look at Art therapists and wish somehow you might do that?Do you have a heart for children, or do you love to create? To introduce beautiful things into the world? To show others that beauty? Give it some thought and then- believe!


  1. wow jen-it was hard to choose which of your posts to comment on but THIS one spoke to me the most. I just gave a talk on how my artwork is based on fear...and I think so many things are in this life. I love what you said about fear being the worst case true. Many good and wise things here! keep it up!


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