But because I've made it to this step, I looked back today at the first step. And I thought I'd share it with you. Waaay back in November of last year I was working on some article ideas for Stampington when I realized that I had quite a few and it was fairly diverse group. I had wall displays, jewelry, lamps, other home decor, christmas ornaments, and art quilts. In all I'd used the wire and fabric combination I love. Then it hit me that I had enough material for a book. It was a completely audacious idea and I started to think it through. The next few days I wrote an outline, looked at other craft books to find a publisher I liked, and did a little research on what a book usually included. The books I loved were all North Light Books so I decided to find out what I needed to do to approach them. Their website made it easy. They spell out exactly what they look for in a book, an author, and the proposal. Nothing I read excluded me or my idea. In fact, the longer I looked the more I realized that this part, the first step- was completely doable.
THEN, shaking somewhat, I told my husband. I didn't know what he'd say. I'd never done much writing and to suggest a book seemed a little crazy even to me. But he listened, looked at the North Light suggestions, and told me I could do it. That moment changed everything. He thought I could do it. It wasn't just a crazy idea I had. Suddenly, I was excited to give it a try. So, I did. The very next night I wrote up the proposal, the outline, put some pictures together, and e-mailed it off. I heard back the very next morning. The editor who replied was so nice and wonderful about it. She said what she liked, and what she was hesitant about, and made some suggestions. I replied and that was the start of it! Over the course of the next few months I completely reworked the entire proposal, created art samples to send, and changed everything about the outline as the concept of the book became clearer to me.
Last May it all went before the publishing board at North Light and was approved. So that's what, 7 months between my initial idea and my green light. It was so hard to wait! But I know that the timing was God's and that this has all been according to his timeline so of course it happened all as it should. But it's still been a fabulously, crazy ride.
Oh, and in case this inspires any of you.... fwpublications.com/authorguidelines here's the link to the page I found that began this all..... Remember crazy can just be the first look you might have at absolutely amazing!!!