Tomorrow is the day, and coincidentally it's my cousin's birthday as well. I'm absolutely certain she consider this birthday the very best ever! A while ago Heidi shared a children's book with me that I just love. It's The Red Thread by Grace Lin. Here's a description of the book.

"There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that when a child is born an invisible red threads connect that child's soul to all those people - present and in the future - who will play a part in that child's life. As each birthday passes, those threads shorten and tighten, bringing closer those people who are fated to be together. This story is not the tale of the legend, but a fairy tale inspired by the legend."
I keep thinking about this red thread today. If you've never heard of this before I really encourage you to read this book. It'll make you cry with tenderness for both parents and child.

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