Yay! The fi
rst day of spring is almost here! Kind of. Here in Minnesota the weather's grey and in the low 30's. Yesterday felt a good deal more spring-y. But in my Mops meeting today we talked about Easter and Easter traditions and that really did help the spring feeling along a bit.
As a mother with a young child I find myself in the position of not only passing along the traditions I grew up with, but able to instigate new one's as well. The tradition of decorating Easter eggs is a fun one we both enjoy but after the actual decorating the eggs just sit in the fridge until I throw them out. I wanted a better way of enjoying them. So this

year we're going to make cute little blown egg ornaments and hang them on our Easter Tree. That required an Easter tree. Coincidentally, our mentor mom had this same egg project in mind for my moms group and so I volunteered to make 18 of these trees. 18. It turned out to be a fun and easy craft, one that my son helped me with. So I thought I'd pass along the how-to instructions for you and your family. Enjoy!!!
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Easter Tree Tools and Materialsa container
a block of styrofoam to fit container
3-5 branches (I used birch)
5-8 silk flower heads (mine were pulled off a stem of hydrangea)
Silk leaves (I cut them from the hydrangea stem)
Raffia or moss (optional)
Hot glue
1. Cut your styrofoam to fit your container. I used an empty paint can for my container and to judge how much foam to trim I pressed my foam onto the opening, thus getting an imprint that showed me right where to cut. Just a little trick. :) Using the hot glue, apply glue to the bottom of your foam and then place in container.

2. Insert your branches by pushing end into foam. If you'd like to add hot glue to the ends you can, it really secures them nicely. I don't because I like to be able to rearrange the branches if needed to get their placement just right. :)

3. Either insert wire ends of silk leaves into foam, or glue them into place with hot glue. Use the raffia or moss to cover any foam that might be still showing.

4. Pull the florets off a silk hydrangea and use the hot glue to stick to branches. To cover the glue and help secure the flower head I either pressed a second flower to back of first, or would wrap one of the petals around the branch to the back and use to cover glue. Do this right away while the glue is still warm.

Add any decorations you have (or make the stitched carrots from last post) and display somewhere you'll be able to soak up it's spring beauty- I have mine displayed as a centerpiece on my dining room table with a little nest and some daffodils. It's an oh-so-easy springtime vignette!
PS- I think this would make a beautiful outdoor display idea for early spring entry pots as well. A bunch of birch branches with some flower heads glued on and it'll look to others like you have flowering branches framing your front entry.
1 comment:
I love the photo with the trees al over the house! They are beautiful!
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