New wire and bead pendants in shop! |
So I have been creative lately. Really. I just haven't shared because honestly the whole knock me down bronchitis thing through me for a serious loop. It pulled me out of my usual and made me take naps during the day and take life more easily. I hated it but it was probably good in some ways. But- enough of that.
Here are some pics of what I've been doing....
As Seen on the Bloesem blog- click pic for more... |
Probably the most fun I have had lately has been brainstorming for Art2heart. They officially asked me on staff about 4 weeks ago as a product development chick. I don't know what my official title would be if this were a real job and not a volunteer thing but I can tell you what I've gathered is my role.
FIRST- I get to do what I have always done which is peruse magazines, books, etsy, and other online sources for fresh ideas and trends in the making. This has given me the excuse I needed to go to my husband and tell him I really NEED a subscription to Mollie Makes. Sorry sweetie, need to stay on top of the trends and they tend to hit the UK before they come here. Just a hint- but granny chic is definitely on the upswing right now. I saw the cutest cross stitch mural done by Eline Pellinkof. It made my jaw drop. Gorgeous!!!
In the name of research I've also been checking out gift shops in the area. Just to see what the categories they carry are. Seems like housewares, seasonal, jewelry, home dec, collage art, gift basket goodies, children's, men's, women's boutique clothes/bags/scarves, and also affirmation art in the form of wall art, greeting cards, stationary, etc. Am I missing something? Do you shop gift shops?
More designs.... |
I've also been busy working on some new designs for my etsy shop as well as some submissions for magazines. I just finished up a stint playing with coffee bags that was really really fun. I'll show you a pic when I can. :) Oh and I've been learning to use my sewing machine a bit more. So that's a slice of what I've had my hands into. I'll round up some pics (including the new bags I sewed last weekend) and show you more soon. :) Thanks for stopping by!
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