Over the last year I've been paying attention to all the little inspirations it takes to create a work of art. Besides the overall "vision" of the piece which usually motivates me to start on a work there are all the little inspirations that happen along the way. A little bit of colored pencil here, a bit of fabric there. Sometimes the inspiration comes and then I act on it. Sometimes it just happens. My hand starts to color a bit here but then continues on its own to add a little more to another spot as well. I've noticed the more I do art the more intuitive the process becomes. Not to say there aren't a lot of conscious decisions but a lot of the big design elements just come to me now. I've learned to do things without really knowing why.
Years and years and centuries ago the Greeks believed muses came to them when called upon and "inspired" them. I believe it's God. As the Great Creator he made us all in his image and part of that inheritance is the ability to create. Learning to follow the Creative Spirit when it's there has been a journey but I'm starting to trust it more and more. Sometimes I'll act on an inspiration only to feel it's not right after. Rather than questioning the original "rightness" of the inspiration I'm starting to learn that those "wrong turns" are sometimes the exact direction I need to go so that I can get to the place I need to be to find my way.
For instance, you might be driving to the sea. Following your intuition and taking a turn into the mountains might not seem to be the best idea. In fact that turn into the mountains actually does lead you further from the sea. But by climbing the mountain you gain the vantage point that enables you to view the sea and the right road leading to it. The correct direction is now clear to you but only because you went the wrong way. Make sense?

Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!!!
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