It was one of those EUREKA moments the other day. I have a
couple of craft mats that I just LOVE and use all the time as palettes when I'm painting or gluing. I tend to use them and then let the paint dry on the surface so after a while it builds up to a point where I start to think I should scrape some off, but then end up just flipping it over and using the other side.
Super lazy, I know, but the craft mat tends to bring that out in me. I mean it's just SO EASY. When done, I roll it up and stick it in an old spaghetti jar I have on my desk and voila I've cleaned up.
But every once in a while, I decide to take a plastic scraper thing or old credit card thingy and scrape off all that old paint. A few days ago, with both of my mats filled, on both sides with paint, I decided it was time and I got to work. The scrapings looked so pretty though that I kind of hated to throw them away. So I scraped away until I had a nice big pile and then... my eyes fell upon an empty spice jar I had just sitting there next to the sink. So I tossed in the scrapings and don't they look just pretty? I haven't played with them yet but I don't see why I couldn't use them like I would glitter or flocking or something else that you would sprinkle on and I'm thinking that might be a pretty artsy look.
I'll give that a shot as soon as I'm done getting a few submissions done. Next week is the deadline for both a Jewelry Affaire and Haute Handbags as well as a submission I'm doing for Cloth Paper Scissors gift issue.
I'm rushing to get those finished and mailed and then we'll see what these little flakes can do. Fun!!!
I'm curious though, what have you used as art supplies that isn't the norm? Have you ever tried burnt wood to draw with, or used clay from the bottom of a lake to sculpt with? I'd love to know something YOU'VE discovered. Thanks for sharing!!!
1 comment:
I get very scared to try new things so I will need to expand a bit more.
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