Yesterday, I arrived home to find on my doorstep, artwork that I had submitted to a magazine probably a year or so ago. They held onto it, but apparently "never found a place for it" because there it was, all boxed up and waiting for me. With a letter that basically said- "We're sorry we can't use your work. Don't be disappointed, please continue to submit your work....." All very nicely said, and I expected it to smart a little but when I read it I felt glad. So I took a moment to think about why this is.
Definitely, this is NOT my normal response to rejection.
Vinyl Decal by Single Stone Studios |
I think it is because I place my trust in God and I believe in myself. This happened for a reason. They couldn't use my work, BUT I've been wanting to make a submission to another magazine and was thinking of more work using the tin lids that I've been playing with. Now I had these two pieces, which I still really like, to add to the submission.
Plus, I was just kind of glad to see them again. When you create something you're infusing it with you. These were one of a kind little pieces and
it is fun to see this bit of me return home.
I also realize that not everyone will like what I like. It's just one of those things. I don't like everything that everyone else does. I can't really expect EVERYONE to like what I do. However, it makes finding the people who
do get it and
do like it
all the better.
So thank you all for being "my kind of people".
I'm very glad you've come.
wonderful post! Your work is beautiful. Keep smiling and always look for the bright side.
I can see both of those pieces gracing the pages of my favorite magazine, Cloth Paper Scissors!
Love these! You are so talented! =)
Shine bright!
The cool thing is, after I wrote this post (yesterday) and scheduled it to post this morning I checked my e-mail and had a pdf of the spread of some of my other work that is to be published soon. So it worked like a little affirmation that all is good.
As always- THANK YOU for your comments!!! It means a lot to me!
Jen, your positive outlook is perfect. And it always usually turns out the way it did for you. Keep it up and thanks for reminding us. Sometimes I forget, but when I don't it's bliss.
Your little tin lids are adorable.
Christi is right, totally Cloth, Paper, Scissors.....
Very healthy way to look at rejection. They will certainly make it to another publication. they are very cute.
Thanks Jen for showing me what faith looks like because I tend to forget at times!And I think yes, when a window closes on you another door opens!You're such a brave soul!
what a wonderful, positive, inspiring post!!
i love that this did not get you down and you are going to submit again!!!! i think your sweet lids are darling and very unique!!
i, too place my trust in God! there is a reason for all that happens.
big hugs
Hooray for you Jen! This is huge, hope you are giving yourself a great big pat on the back!
And here's one from me!
Hey Jen - I gave you an "award" on my blog ... check it out when you get a minute!
i love your positive attitude jen, it will happen its just a matter of when xx
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