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Ok- disclaimer- I am no techy, but my husband (a techy) just got me a smart phone (thanks honey!) and I've found this fabulous photography app. It's called lo-mob and it's now my favorite thing to do when I have a few seconds to play. Of course, since I love it I had to share it with you all. :)
What it does is take any photo from my camera roll and it runs it through a selection of filters. There's about 25 to choose from ranging from a slide look, a medium format camera shot, a polaroid look or a couple of dozen others. What I've done is take one photo from my collection and process it different ways so that you can get a look at what I'm talking about.
You can also check it out for yourself at lo-mob.com.

Pretty Cool, huh? Smart phone or not, this is a fun reminder that we, as artists, can control an image whether it's a photo, a painting, necklace, or sculpture. We can manipulate it, stretch it, darken it, crop it. Then, when we release it into the world we're giving that image as a gift to others who might not see as we see. There's an interaction between the creator and the viewer that I think we, the artist, sometimes overlook. We make something and put it out into the world, but we can't control how others view or interpret our work. That's beautiful to me because that means that what the viewer brings to our work is as important as what we bring. Once the viewer interprets through their personal lens then they are connecting to the work. Once they connect to the work then they have personalized it and THAT makes it theirs. From a marketing stand-point that's what we, the creators, want because that is what will turn that person from a viewer to a committed buyer. I believe that's one of the reason "inspirational" art does so well. It makes the connection quicker but it also limits the viewer somewhat to seeing what the artist sees in the piece. Adding the word "believe" or "fly" will surely help the viewer who wants to believe or has the longing to fly relate to the work and even see it as a personal talisman. How do you want others to connect to your work? Have you ever considered the viewers' role in the life of your art? Just some food for thought.
great post! and wow, that app is so neat. makes me want to get rid of my blackberry even more!
Such a beautiful post, Jen! I love the thought of a viewer connecting to my work and making it theirs.
I am going to ponder your last two questions. :-)
Really Cool photos. and yes, the viewer really does play a huge role in your art. I haven't thought too much about that.
A lovely thought-provoking post, Jen! Thank you. Good to be reminded that both the creator and the 'beholder' bring their own interpretations.
What a fantastic ap too - like Syndey, I love my Blackberry but such photographic possibilities are very endearing!!!
Hugs xxx
oh, that is so cool! people think up some many great ideas! :)
Al the more reason to ditch my blackberry and get an iphone!
Love those filters! These are wonderful pics. I'm looking forward to getting my Iphone this month.
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